Targeting on Twitter lets you specify your ads to the people you want to reach. Whether you want to reach a niche group or connect with people all around the world, you have a variety of options to choose from:

  1. Language targeting. Reach people who speak.
  2. Gender targeting. Target your ads to women or men.
  3. Interest targeting. Reach people whose interests align with your business.
  4. Follow targeting. Target followers of specific accounts who may also be interested in your business profile.
  5. Device targeting. Reach people who use specific mobile devices.
  6. Behavior targeting. Target people based on your audiences shopping and spending patterns.
  7. Tailored Audiences targeting. Reach specific groups of users based on your unique audience.
  8. Keyword targeting. Deliver timely messages to users based on what they’ve recently Tweeted or engaged with.
  9. Geography targeting. Reach a global audience or narrow the reach of your campaign to a specific country, region, or even town.

So you have numerous options, but which one should you choose? Keep these points in mind when deciding:

  • Basics are important. Remember to first choose a specific location, gender, and the preferred device of your Twitter audience. Figure these out before focusing on other aspects.
  • Sometimes less is more. Choose only one type of targeting for each campaign – from follower, keyword, behavior, interest or Tailored Audiences targeting – to get meaningful insights into it.
  • Experiment. Test different targeting types to understand which audience is the best fit and which messages resonate with different groups.

Start analyzing your Twitter performance

Read also:
  1. Should I manage my own ads on Twitter or hire an agency?
  2. How do I measure the effects of my ads on Twitter?
  3. How do I start advertising on Twitter?
  4. How to Conduct an Excellent Twitter Audit in 15 Minutes