Yes. The user who wrote the comment and their friends will still see the comment after we hide them. However, no one else will see the comment anymore. Therefore, it might be tempting to hide any comment which we find threatening to our brand or that we simply feel uncomfortable answering. From the brand reputation perspective, it is not the best solution.

What comments should be hidden on Facebook?

Comments that deserve to be hidden are the ones that we can’t address with help, advice, an apology, or gratitude.

Specifically, the ones that are:

  • Spammy. These comments might be sent by bots and fake accounts. They usually offer some ‘follow for follow’ (or F4F deals and discounts for different services). Don’t allow these questionable comments to linger on your Facebook page.
  • Vulgar and offensive. This is self-explanatory and the best strategy is not only to hide such comments but also to report them to Facebook.
  • Difficult. We don’t mean hiding them permanently, like in the case of the points above. Hiding a problematic comment gives you time to consult with your supervisor or colleagues. You can conduct quick research about the problem and prepare a perfectly comprehensive and informed answer. Other users will notice that your brand can face the problem and find the right solution.

Comments that threaten your brand’s reputation should be hidden if they can’t be addressed. It’s crucial for social media managers and community managers to stay alert and act on such comments before they cause a social media crisis.

Sotrender’s Social Inbox makes it easy for moderators to stay on track with all the comments. Moderators and community managers can answer comments and messages from one place, just switching between tabs. They will see a notification every time a new comment or message appears on their page, without the need to refresh.

Sotrender moderation inbox overview with a user sending an attachment

You can also hide user’s comments with Sotrender as you normally would on Facebook. However, Sotrender gives you an extra option – you can see which moderator has hidden the comment. As mentioned before, the user will not know that his or her comment was hidden, because it will still be visible for the user and his or her friends.

Dropdown menu in Sotrender's comment moderation

Manage Facebook comments and messages in Sotrender

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