Unfortunately for social media managers, sometimes not all the comments you get are relevant. For example, a customer might have left a negative comment, a complaint, or profanities that should be dealt with a higher priority than a neutral or non-threatening comment. Or in another case, a customer might have written sensitive information that should not be seen by other users. Seeing the comment could give your other customers the wrong impression, so it’s best to hide it.

In this post, we’ll show you how you can hide or delete a comment, and how you can track comment history on Facebook.

How to hide a comment

If you need to hide a comment, there are two ways that you can go about this. Here is how you can hide comments on Facebook directly.

Simply click on the three dots and choose “hide comment”.

Option to hide or delete a comment on a Facebook post

If you’re using Sotrender’s Social Inbox, this action is also straightforward.

Viewing a hidden Facebook comment in the Sotrender app

Hidden comment in Sotrender

If you want to make the comment visible again, you just simply repeat the steps all over again and press “unhide”.

How to delete a comment

For those of you wondering whether users will be notified that you’ve deleted their comments: the answer is no. However, as deleting any content published by users is an irreversible action on Facebook, we recommend you to think twice before clicking the delete button. Deleted comments and posts are gone forever on Facebook, but not in Sotrender.

How can I read a deleted Facebook comment?

When you hide content, it’s possible to unhide it. Deleting content is a permanent action, so you won’t be able to find the comment again on Facebook.

Moreover, you will always see the author of the action – which moderator or community manager was responsible for deleting or hiding comments.

Viewing a deleted Facebook comment in the Sotrender app

You can also use filters and filter users’ comments to easily find the deleted content. Just click on ‘All content’ in the upper right corner of your Sotrender inbox and choose ‘Deleted content’ from the drop-down list.

Using Sotrender's sentiment analysis to filter positive, negative, and neutral comments

So to recap:

  • You can hide and delete comments on Facebook, but deleted comments are gone forever
  • Sotrender provides comment history, including what was said in a deleted comment
  • The user whose comment you deleted won’t receive a notification

Manage Facebook comments and messages in Sotrender

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