To find comments made by someone on Facebook, you typically have to scroll through several blocks of comments. Obviously, this is an inconvenience for just about anyone. For one, it can take up time that you might not necessarily have. Also, you might be missing out on a few comments by the same user because they didn’t reply to the same comment thread.

Find comments made by someone on Facebook for free

Facebook’s native tool is helpful because it comes with Facebook for free. Then again, Facebook Business Manager has several issues that make it harder to quickly go through your inbox and prioritize tasks. To briefly summarize the problems:

Facebook Business Manager Inbox overview

The comments are organized by post, not by the user. This makes it harder to quickly look through the comments and find the specific person you would like to respond to. You might have been told that there was a dissatisfied customer, or that there was a troll leaving inflammatory comments, but they’ll be hard to find.

If you remember a specific user by name, you could type in “comments made by <user>” in the Facebook search bar. You can narrow down the search results using the filters on the left. However, this appears to yield more information about people in your friend list or fellow group members. Since many people can have the same name on Facebook, you could narrow down the search results to “posts you’ve seen“.

On that note, if you’re looking for more comments by someone in a Facebook group, you just need to click on their name. You’ll see what other groups you have in common, their comments, reactions, and posts. This is only the case in groups but not on fan pages.

But don’t worry – there are alternative tools that can help you quickly find a user’s comment.

Manage Facebook comments and messages in Sotrender

Find comments made by someone on Facebook with conversation threading

To efficiently go through your comments on Facebook, you need a well-designed user interface.

Sotrender’s Social Inbox organizes Facebook comments and messages according to who wrote the comment and on which post. One of our USPs is our Gmail-style conversation threading, so you’ll always be able to find your way back to the conversation.

Here you have an example of what that looks like.

Sotrender conversation threading in Messenger

Find a comment using filters

Another way to quickly find a Facebook comment is to filter it in a variety of ways. If you know that you haven’t read someone’s comment, you can go through the filters (tags).

The labels are predefined but are comparable to Facebook’s (unread, to review, done). However, Sotrender takes organization to the next level with sentiment filters. If you’re specifically trying to find a comment that was positive or negative, you can only select that filter. This makes it easier to find comments that you might have opened, but didn’t tag in so you can find it later.

Sotrender going through sentiment tags for Facebook moderation

Finally, you can narrow down your search even further by choosing between types of content.

Sotrender's Facebook moderation option filter by content type

This dropdown menu gives you the option to select comments on sponsored posts, previously deleted content, or user posts. Basically, we know for sure that you’ll be able to narrow down your search enough to find a specific comment.

Manage Facebook comments and messages in Sotrender

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