Popularity of #stayathome and local equivalent hashtags on Instagram in Europe [INFOGRAPHIC]

#quedateencasa, #resteralamaison, #iostoacasa…

With the help of these hashtags, the Spanish, French and Italians are encouraging their fellow citizens to stay at home during the pandemic.

We analyzed how often people used the #stayathome hashtag in local languages in countries most affected by the pandemic in Europe, as well as in Sotrender’s homeland – Poland. We also checked how people engaged with these hashtags, using Sotrender’s own metric – Activity Index.

From Friday, March 20th until Wednesday, March 25th, Poles used #zostańwdomu (Polish for #stayathome) on Instagram more than 97,000 times.

Although the Spanish used #quedateencasa (and its variations) the most number of times, they engaged the least with the posts labelled with these hashtags. We recorded the biggest engagement under posts with the hashtags in French.

Interestingly enough, the Italians, who were the most affected by the pandemic, published only half the number of #stayathome hashtags compared to the Spanish (the Spanish more than 262,000, Italians 123,000).

German equivalents of #stayathome (#bleibzuhause, #zuhausebleiben) were used the least number of times. However, it can be explained by the fact that they were using the hashtag in English. 


Use of #stayathome and locally equivalent hashtags on Instagram in Europe

If the above analysis is interesting for you, remember that we can analyze similar data for your business.

The analysis covered hashtags published with posts on Instagram between 20th and 25th of March.

Hashtags covered by the analysis:

Poland: #zostańwdomu, #zostanwdomu, #zostajewdomu, #zostajęwdomu
Spain: #quedateencasa, #yomequedoencasa, #QuédateenCasa, #mequedoencasa
France: #resteralamaison, #restezalamaison, #restezchezvous, #restecheztoi
Italy: #iostoacasa, #iorestoacasa, #stateacasa, #restateacasa, #restaacasa, #stiamoacasa, #restiamoacasa
Germany: #bleibzuhause, #zuhausebleiben

If you are also staying at home (which we strongly encourage you to) and you would like to spend this time in a productive way and improve your marketing knowledge, we recommend to you our quarantine reading list. 🙂



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