Twitter in the UK – Summary of 2016

Another year has come to a close, bring a lot of changes in the world of social media. 2016 was an interesting year for Twitter in the UK because it was mostly dominated by music, with one group, in particular, outperforming the rest. News sources also had a successful year, being the most active and mentioned profile category. To get this info, we analyzed reach, engagement, customer service, and content on Twitter in 11 integral industries. 

The biggest pages remained that big for the majority of the year, as there weren’t many newcomers in the ranking. The 3 biggest pages this year were One Direction (more on them in a bit), Harry Styles, and BBC Breaking News. Music profiles rounded out the rest of the ranking. Music was clearly the biggest player on Twitter this year, knowing how to engage fans and offer a unique experience.

One Direction wins Twitter

But out of all music profiles, One Direction was clearly the only direction this year. The ‘Kings’ of Twitter in the UK, these guys always rack up the most engagement every month. The group has the most followers on Twitter, they have the fastest growing profile of the year, and they’re members made all of the top engaging posts this year. They had a period where it seemed like they’re popularity might be decreasing, but nope. They bounced back.

The biggest hashtags

The biggest hashtags on Twitter were #FridayFeeling, #MondayMotivation, #BlackFriday, #Christmas, #RIO2016. You might not be able to take advantage of Rio’s hashtag in 2017, but its time to start considering the others. Fridays, Mondays, Black Friday, and Christmas are all big topics for people on Twitter. If you can make some tweets that bring your brand into the conversation, you’ll see a boost in your performance. Just make sure it’s done naturally!

But don’t just take our word for it! Check out this infographic with all the data to back it up, courtesy of Pan Wizualny.

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