Web Summit is a huge event which, according to this infographic, only in this year is supposed to gather around 10k professionals from the field of new media, technology and business. During two day conference almost 900 speakers will give their presentations on 7 different stages.
Sotrender team have decided to make your life easier and indicate who of the speakers is worth seeing on stage. We’ve rated 95 Main Stage speakers according to their popularity on Twitter.
On the infographic below you can see the first 10 of them. We’ve chosen the number of followers as the main variable to analyse. Also worth considering is the number of published tweets as it indicates how much a given person has to say. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee), Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) and Dave McClure (@davemcclure) are the leaders in this category.
We hope our infographic will be useful for you! Enjoy the conference!
The infographic presents only the top 10 of the 95 Main Stage speakers. Check the next 10 speakers listed by the number of their Twitter followers: Aaron Levie (@levie), Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt), Shane Smith (@shanesmith30), Shervin Pishevar (@shervin), Mark Scott (@mscott), Scott Belsky (@scottbelsky), Drew Houston (@drewhouston), Jemima Kiss (@jemimakiss), Tony Conrad (@tonysphere), Shel Israel (@shelisrael), Saul Klein (@cape).
In order to make your life even easier, we’ve prepared a mini-schedule of the events featuring the most talkative Main Stage speakers:
Wednesday on the Main Stage:
10:45 – The Age of Context – Robert Scoble (5th place in our ranking), Shel Israel
12:30 – Keynote: Gary Vaynerchuk (3rd place), Vaynermedia
During the break between the presentations at 13:28 on PITCH Stage our CEO, Jan Zajac (@janekzajac) will tell you a few words about Sotrender (@Sotrender).
14:45 – Fireside Chat with Ben Rooney & Jamie Heaslip (8th place in our ranking);
16:20 – Fireside Chat with David Rowan & Tony Hawk (1st place);
16:45 – Fireside Chat with Alexia Tsotsis (9th place) & Kevin Rose (2nd place);
Thursday on the Main Stage:
10:00 -Insecure Personalities: When Internet Security and Real Humans Collide – Michael Jackson, Matthew Prince, Eugene Kaspersky (7th place), James Ball;
16:20 – Smart Money, Smarter People? What Makes Brilliant Investors – Kevin Colleran, Sarah Lacy (10th place), Dave McClure (6th place), Shervin Pishevar, Shakil Khan;
16:45 – Fireside Chat with David Carr (4th place) & Shane Smith;
Full Main Stage Schedule is available on Web Summit page.
We hope that you will pop up on the presentation of our CEO on Wenesday, at 13:28 on PITCH Stage! In case you miss it, you can always visit our team (on Thursday) at the stand no 504. If you’re interesting in what we’re doing, follor the tag #N504WWS – No 504 Win Web Summit